# This is a sample input file. # Suggested sequence of actions: File/Read, Action/Enzymatic edges, # Action/Reduction (slower), Action/Add pseudonodes, Action/Collapse pseudonodes # Action/Reduction (slower), Action/Collapse degree-2 pseudonodes, # Action/ Reduction (faster), Transform any of these nodes into pseudonodes # (right click on node, prepend * to node name, press Enter) # InsPK, InsP6, NO, NOS, PLD, PA, GPA1, OST1, pHc, Action/Collapse degree-2 pseudonodes # ABA -> OST1 ABA -> CaIM ABA -> InsP6 ABA -> Ca2+c ABA -> NO ABA -> InsP3 ABA -> AnionEM ABA -> PLD ABA -> ROS ABA -> GPA1 Ca2+c -| CaIM Ca2+c -> AnionEM InsP6 -> Ca2+c InsP6 -> CIS ROS -> CaIM ROS -> Closure ROS -| KOUT pHc -> KOUT pHc -> ROS PA -> Closure PA -> ROS NO -> Closure NO -> AnionEM NO -| KOUT ABA -> pHc PA -> Atrboh ABA -> PLC NO -> CIS InsP3 -> CIS Ca2+c -> NOS GPA1 -> PLD Y PLD -> PA Y InsPK -> InsP6 Y E PLC -> InsP3 Y E NOS -> NO Y E Atrboh -> ROS Y E CIS -> Ca2+c Y CaIM -> Ca2+c Y AnionEM -> Closure Y KOUT -> Closure Y Atrboh -> (ABA -> ROS) Atrboh -> (ABA -> Ca2+c) Atrboh -> (ABA -> CaIM) GPA1 -> (ABA -> ROS) GPA1 -> (ABA -> AnionEM) PLC -> (ABA -> Ca2+c) PLC -> (ABA -> KOUT) PLD -> (ABA -> Closure) NO -> (ABA -> Closure) NO -> (ABA -> AnionEM) NO -> (Ca2+c -> CIS) Ca2+c -> (NO -> AnionEM) Ca2+c -> (PLC -> InsP3) CaIM -> (ABA -> KOUT) InsPK -> (ABA -> AnionEM) InsPK -> (ABA -> InsP6) OST1 -> (ABA -> ROS) KOUT -> (ABA -> Closure) ROS -> (ABA -> CaIM)